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Electronic Medical Record

Fast and comprehensive patient-centered records in real time

A simple and fast digital solution that documents the complete health records of patients and make them available to patients and physicians with a click of the mouse.


Our simple and efficient EMR solution organizes patient records such as health information, complaints, physical examination, vitals, investigations, diagnosis, medications, clinical reminders, follow-up plans, risk assessment, etc. The system provides templates for health records with which doctors can make quick records without compromising on accuracy.

The electronic records can be accessed for patients through self-service for effective communication and data availability. It includes patient’s demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, radiology images and reports, laboratory test reports, and personal information such as height and weight, vital signs, invoices, etc. The system enables a quick transfer of patient data from one department to another, helping enhanced patient workflow and increased productivity.

Our clients

We ascertain our clients’ exact challenges, and provide them the most efficient and quality solutions.